Saturdays for me=Lifetime & LAZY! I love sleeping late and lounging around. It is the only day we can all just take our time starting the day. Even the dogs sleep later on Saturday! I did that today until about 2, then decided i needed to accomplish something. I made my sweet husband wake up from his nap on the couch and go out into the cold. We needed to work on some dossier paperwork.
We headed out with the possibilities of Starbucks, Paneras, Caribou, or Wegmans. We decided on Caribou, excited about the prospect of sitting by the fireplace with a warm drink and making a dent in this paperwork. It is freezing in Virginia!
I am going to back up a few weeks, so stay with me. I have been filled with doubt lately and frustrated with the whole adoption process. I have been asking God if overseas adoption is the direction we are suppose to be going. If he could show me in some way if Africa is the current home of our little one(s). It is so expensive and it is a ton of paperwork. I am sure domestic adoption can be just as expensive and just as time consuming. I just always need some direction, as the devil uses self doubt as a tool against me.
I got my first sign just the other day when i sat down to start a new book. I read probably a book a week and usually pick a book by it’s cover. I know that is horrible, but i do. The book i chose showed no signs of being about far away places, not by the cover or the summary on the back. On page one it tells of Africa and of course i brush it off as a coincidence not a sign. Second sign, I have never in my life heard of Ethiopia mentioned in the bible and guess what our pastor reads at church a few Sundays ago. Acts 8, where an angel of the Lord gives a command to Philip and the Ethiopian.
Now i am back in the present. We get all settled by the fireplace with our paperwork and our yummy drinks. Third sign, I look up and there on the table across the way is a sign that says Ethiopia. I guess Caribou just started a new campaign for Ethiopian coffee. Okay God, i get the picture. Ethiopia is the place where you are growing our sweet child or children. Who knows if they have even been formed in a womb, if they are being held right now by their birth mother, or by a loving care giver? All i know is that they are ours and that is God’s plan. God does speak, we just sometimes have to change our way of listening.
We got word today that our AZ clearance came back and our social worker is finalizing the home study. We are getting the dossier closer & closer to being complete.
I hope to write more soon. I have the blog police (Ashley Toohey) reminding me to write. Love that girl! She has me believing that people actually want to read what i write. That’s what best friends are for!